With so many unpredictable circumstances in the world today, the importance of having an emergency food supply is a concern for many Americans. Planning ahead and having an emergency food storage plan can be the difference between life and death for you and your family. With so much information out there, it’s a daunting task to undertake. We’ve been in your shoes,and after years and trial and error, we’ve come up with a plan to suit any families’ needs.
Have a Plan
When it comes to being prepared for emergencies, you should have a plan for taking action immediately. Emergencies never happen when you’re “ready” but you CAN have a back-up plan for the moment after. As you start planning, consider the 4 W’s:
What -What is your goal? (How long do you want to prep for? Months? Years? )
Who -Who will be involved in this effort? How many people am I preparing for?
When -When is a good time to stockpile your food?(Consider your finances, when you can afford to add more to your stockpile, it may be one kit/month, or you may purchase all buckets at once).
Where -Where can you store your emergency food cache? (Basement, closet, under beds, second home, cabin, etc.)
Food Storage Containers
Plastic containers are cheaper than metal buckets, lighter, and pack more easily, making them ideal for smaller spaces and shorter trips. They’re also great for short-term food storage because they can be stacked neatly in a pantry or cabinet with little risk of contamination or damage.
Metal bins hold up better over time than plastic bins do; some even have locking lids so you don’t have to worry about insects getting into the food while it sits on your shelf waiting for use later on down the road (this is especially important if you live in an area where bugs tend to get inside homes). However, they are rather heavy and bulky.
Food storage containers come in many shapes and sizes, from buckets to plastic bins. The type of container you choose will depend on your personal preferences and needs.
Where to Store Your Food
Once you've gathered your food supply, it's time to store it. The most suitable storage is a cool, dry location, out of direct sunlight, away from pests and rodents, and away from water sources. Be certain the area in which you store food is away from heat sources or chemicals (like paints). Finally, do not place any of your emergency preparedness food supplies in the kitchen! Keep them in an inaccessible room that's easy enough to get into when they're needed but far enough away that they won't be accidentally eaten prior to an emergency.
Maintaining Your Food Storage
With your food stored in place, you’ll need to maintain the stock and location to prevent wasting all your hard efforts. Your first step is to return quarterly and be sure all foodis sealed and dry, as moisture can quickly spoil any stored food. Check the temperature of your storage area to remain cool and constant—heat will cause foods like canned goods and dried grains to lose their flavor and texture faster than normal. Finally, do not open or close containers for extended periods of time (like overnight) as this will cause condensation inside the containers and will spoil the contents. When you do open individual food packs, be sure to reseal tightly and use within 2-4 weeks.
Food Storage Types
Storing food in the freezer can be done, but is not necessary. If you choose to store it in the freezer, the temperature should be maintained at 0°F or less
Rotate your food storage to keep the oldest items near the front/top;so as to avoid wasting foods which have expired. Many people use a food rotation chart so they can see where everything is in their pantry. Other people prefer to go by date labels on cans and boxes, or even color coding them (red for foods purchased in 2022, green for 2023, etc).
If you have more than one person living in your home, make sure each household member understands how storage dates, where the cache is located, and why it’s being stored. Keeping everyone involved in making long-term decisions - including which items to keep on the shelf - will bring up deeper discussions about values, safety, and planning for your future together.
Purchase From a Trusted Provider Like Heaven's Harvest
In order to set up an emergency food storage, purchase from a trusted provider. Many foods claim to be "emergency rations," however, not all of them will sustain your family through a long-term disaster. If it's important that your emergency food storage last for years or even decades, only purchase from reputable suppliers.
Heaven's Harvest has been providing their customers with quality survival rations since 2015 and has been featured on Fox News, Stew Peters, CBN, TruNews, and more. Our kits come in waterproof, 4-gallon buckets, and sealed for preservation purposes prior to delivery. We have a variety of kits that can suit various dietary needs: casseroles, soups, canned meats, and fruits & veggies. Heaven’s Harvest suggests the One Month Combo kit for each individual in a home, to last 30 days. That is enough food (caloric count determined according the U.S.D.A. guidelines)—at an average cost of just $2.50 per serving, for one person for one month.
Consider the time and effort you may spend in purchasing a freeze drier, packaging, food, and your manual labor in order to prepare your family each freeze-dried serving you package. It can be done - with much time and effort. Let Heaven’s Harvest take the work item off your to-list and off your mind.
Your food storage is for emergencies. It needs to be ready when you need it. Take your time and do it right.
You now have the knowledge of how to set up your own food storage. The most important part is having a plan. Once you’ve decided where your food will be stored, it’s time to get started! Get containers and fill them with food that can last for years without refrigeration or freezing. Choose foods that are easy on the budget and available at local grocery stores nearby so no one is left out during an emergency situation.
This means that even though it may take some time upfront to set up your emergency food supply, once complete and stored correctly, there will be no more work required until an emergency strikes!
Heaven's Harvest Has Done The Work For You
IF this process sounds daunting, check out Heavnen’s Harvest Freeze-Dried Survival Food kits - We’ve gathered delicious foods for our kits, pre-packaged, sealed, labeled, and contained it all in easy-to-carry storage containers.Our food storage kits are affordable and easy to store anywhere (even under your bed). With several different varieties,you’re certain to find food to fits the dietary needs of your entire family. Don’t take our word for it, compare the contents and serving sizes of our kits with our competitors!
At Heaven’s Harvest you’ll find everything from breakfast to dessert, making it easy for anyone on your list to grab a meal when they need it most!
Check out all Heaven’s Harvest has to offer at www.heavenharvest.com
If you have more questions, check out our FAQ page here!