Jun 21 , 2023

After the COVID-19 pandemic, we all now understood the unpredictability of our world. Whether it's a global virus outbreak or a devastating hurricane, these emergencies disrupt the natural balance of our lives. During such crises, thousands of lives are lost, and countless people lose their jobs. The lives of many are thrown into disarray, and they must rely on others for necessities.
That is why it is crucial to be prepared for any disaster, especially natural ones. Among all the emergency preparedness plans, the most important is having a well-rounded emergency food plan. When faced with an emergency, having ample food and clean water can make all the difference.
We can endure darkness, lack of clean clothes, and isolation from others, but we cannot survive without food. Therefore, an emergency food supply kit in our pantry ensures our safety and well-being. However, creating the best emergency food supply kits or purchasing food for emergencies is not simple. Unfortunately, we often make multiple mistakes that cost us money and time and compromise the safety of our families.
Mistake 1: Lack of clear goals when preparing food emergency kits
One common mistake when preparing for emergency survival is not having clear goals. We must develop a plan and define our objectives for the emergency survival food kits we assemble. We must ask ourselves whether we are preparing for a short-term or long-term crisis. Are we creating kits to sustain our family for a week or several months?
We should also consider whether we want to focus more on protein-rich, entree-based, or breakfast-oriented kits. These factors are crucial in determining our specific food survival kit requirements. Knowing the number of people in our household and the duration we must prepare for will guide us toward the best outcome.
Mistake 2: Stocking up on unhealthy or nutritionally deficient food
During an emergency, it is essential to maintain good health and have enough energy to face the challenges ahead. However, when stocking up on supplies, we often accumulate nutritionally deficient or unhealthy food. Instead of prioritizing protein-rich kits or fruit and vegetable kits, we tend to opt for unhealthy or junk-food items. Emergency survival food should focus on providing the necessary nutrients to fuel our bodies. Consuming healthier food options will ensure that our bodies are well-nourished and capable of healing. It is also important to avoid solely relying on carbohydrates; protein and healthy fats, such as dried fruits, should be part of the best food survival kits. Additionally, organic kits, such as soups or oatmeal, are preferred by some.
Mistake 3: Failing to conduct proper research before making purchases
When we receive a warning about an impending emergency, we often rush to stock up on supplies. However, this haste can lead to mistakes, such as buying unnecessary items or overspending. It is crucial to conduct thorough research before selecting the best emergency food supply kits. Researching involves two key aspects. First, we need to educate ourselves about the specific disaster expected to occur.
Consulting multiple sources will help us understand the nature of the upcoming crisis. After gaining this knowledge, we should assess the specific needs of our family. If our family requires more protein or breakfast items, we should prioritize stocking protein and breakfast kits. Similarly, if we follow an organic diet or have a vegan lifestyle, we should ensure our food supply includes vegetable kits and vegan-friendly options. Distinguishing between our needs and wants is vital; we can start making informed purchases once we do.
Mistake 4: Neglecting to rotate the food supply
As humans, we tend to accumulate a surplus of food in anticipation of emergencies. However, if we do not practice proper food rotation, we may have expired and stale food when we need it the most. Therefore, rotating the food supply is of utmost importance. It ensures that we consume safe and fresh food during an emergency.
The "first in, first out" method is a helpful approach to food rotation. By using the oldest food items first and replacing them with fresh ones, we can maintain a constant supply of edible and nutritious provisions. Labeling everything, including protein kits and grains, is also crucial to keep track of expiration dates and ensure we do not consume anything that has been on the shelf for too long.
Mistake 5: Failing to stock up on water
While stocking up on emergency survival food kits is necessary, storing an ample water supply is equally important. Clean drinking water is essential for our health, and access to clean water may be limited during an emergency. It is advisable to store at least one gallon of water per person daily, and stocking up for at least three days is recommended. It's crucial not to hoard water excessively, as it is a resource that everyone requires. However, we must ensure enough water is stored for our family's needs. When storing water, it is essential to use clean containers and periodically clean and refresh the water supply every six months.
In conclusion, emergencies, whether economic or natural, are inherently unpredictable. Even when we receive warnings, we cannot accurately predict the severity of the consequences we will face. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare for such emergencies in advance. Food is a fundamental necessity, and having a well-planned food survival kit can significantly contribute to our ability to thrive and survive during calamities.
By avoiding common mistakes such as lacking clear goals, stocking up on unhealthy food, failing to research before purchasing, neglecting food rotation, and not stocking enough water, we can enhance our preparedness and increase the chances of successfully navigating through challenging times.